Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals

Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals

Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
Mapex pure MAPLE drum set, maple shells, beautiful well-maintained quality. Meinl cymbals (custom dark set) all in good shape. DW 5000 Series Accelerator double bass drum pedal. DW 9000 Series 2-leg hi-hat stand with extended footboard. Comes with an extra set of good quality Remo and Evans drum heads, including bass drum heads. All drum hardware included, recording equipment mic stands, etc. Pork pie snare and stand available for additional cost. No reasonable offer ignored but low ballers will be ignored. Sounds like a DW, costs like a Mapex. Shells are mint, all hardware is clean and maintained. Any overages will result in a cancellation of your item.
Mapex Armory Studioease Fast Tom Drum Set with Meinl Cymbals
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