Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset

Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset

Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
The 8×8 tom was in real real bad shape and the drum fixer I sent it to said it was beyond repair so I gave it to him for helping me during my career. 5 Toms- all Yamaha recording custom 10″, 12″, 13″, 14″, 16. 16 zildjian cymbals including. 10 a custom splash. 11 k custom hybrid splash. 18 Kay dark medium thin crash. 19 inch K dark thin crash. 8 inch a splash. 6 inch custom splash. 8 inch K splash. 8 inch K custom dark splash. 18 inch K sweet crash. 22 inch K custom medium ride. 10 inch spiral stacker. 18 inch a custom EFX. 6 inch a splash. 14 inch new beat A high hat. 1 double bass pedal dw 5000. 1 dw 9000 hi hat pedal. Full LP wood blocks granite. All yamaha hex hardware rack. Yamaha boom cymbal arms. Gibraltar book cymbal arms. 1 Chinese wedding bell.
Carter Beauford FULL Touring Yamaha Recording Custom Drumset
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