Explore the world of music with the Yamaha DTXplorer Electric Drum Set. This full drum kit includes a snare drum, tom holder, drum sticks, cymbal stand, rack tom, kick drum, pedal, snare stand, ride cymbal, crash cymbal, hi-hat, hi-hat stand, and floor tom. With built-in effects and programmable features, this drum set is perfect for musicians of all levels. Experience the thrill of playing live with this electronic drum set from Yamaha. Designed for percussionists, this drum set is ideal for those who want to elevate their music to the next level. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, the DTXplorer Electric Drum Set is the perfect addition to your musical arsenal. I tested the set and it is fully working. I also replaced the internal CR2023 battery as it was low.

Tags: drum, dtxplorer, electric, tested, yamaha