Vintage USA Slingerland Drums Circa 60’s- 70’s Bass Drum 14×24 Toms 9×13 and 16×16. These sizes sound great un dampened. The Kit was rewrapped professionally showing no holes on any of the drum exteriors. All the drums appear to have the original hoops and lugs in above good condition close to excellent. The toms have Clear resonant heads with Ebony batter heads. The bass drum has a ported Evans Ebony Resonant with a Remo Power Stroke batter.. The bass drum spurs appear to be original having signs of being re taped not original wing nuts. The floor tom has a (Gibraltor rims mount Included) played as a suspended tom. Sounds excellent Not included are the cymbol stand and the snare stand. The bearing edge surfaces have also been professionally done on the toms and look great as well as the heads seat and tune well. The bass drum came with key rods. I had some T handles that I just like the looks better on a vintage drum than the key rods and have included them. They are not Slingerland. I did not have 20 T handles so some are the key heads I used at the bottoms of both sides.

Tags: option, slingerland's, vintage