PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK OUT. CLUB 18 BASS DRUM. In WHITE MINT FADE for. WHAT A GREAT WAY. TO EXPAND YOUR SET TODAY! 18 BOP BASS DRUM. 18″ ACROSS X 14″ DEEP. INSURE A SAFE ARRIVAL. Please expect normal wear. Prices quoted for s&h above are for the lower Continental U. Canada will usually be cheaper and Australia will usually be more expensive. We reserve the right to send you a 2nd invoice for any s&h shortage. He/she agrees to pay the 2-way s&h. By putting our best foot forward, we work hard to serve your musical wants/needs. To serve you best today and also in the future. WE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY to EARN YOUR BUSINESS. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME and CONSIDERATION!

Tags: bass, catalina, club, drum, fade, gretsch, mint, white