ASK QUESTIONS WILL RESPOND OPEN FOR NEGOTIATION. 2 crash 14inch, 18inch. 1 ride 22 inch. Evan’s sound off drum mutes (hole in the snare drum mute). Cymbal bag and drumstick bag. 2 Led Zepplin books. 1 Beginner guitar book. 1 classic guitar book. 1 The drumset musician by Rod morgenstein and Rick mattingly. 1 Jimi hendrix experience smash hits book. Used over 10 years since I was little. Hasn’t been used in a couple months. Wear and tear on all parts, some heads have dents. Some books don’t have cds but nowadays youtube does the job. No problem with stands, no broken pieces. Books in great condition, cowbell in good condition, Drumset in great condition for how longs it’s been used. This would be a great intermediate level drumset, just replace the heads and it’ll be good as new!

Tags: beginnerintermediate, drummers, drumset, level