The reason why its a replica is because the drum shells are made of fiberglass instead of wood. Other than that, everything else on the drum set has the original era appropriate vintage Slingerland hardware, including the lugs, drum badges, quad bass drum spurs, straight floor tom legs and a Slingerland Set-O-Matic tom arm. The drum set also comes with a 24 x 14 inch bass drum, 13 x 9 inch mounted tom, two 16 x 16 inch floor toms, Slingerland 14 x 5 1/4 inch Buddy Rich model TDR 10 lug chrome snare, Slingerland Rocket model hi-hat stand, three Slingerland cymbal stands, Slingerland snare stand and Slingerland bass drum pedal that are also all era appropriate. It was made from the specifications of the original Slingerland Buddy Rich Outfit model number 80N. From what I was able to research, the shell pack was custom made to spec with fiberglass shells at a time after Slingerland stopped production of the original 80N and they were no longer readily available, which makes this a real one of a kind Buddy Rich tribute drum set!