RARE VINTAGE 1980’S. If your looking at these, you probably already know more about them than I do. The little info I found about Page Drums is that they were made by David Page who owned a shop in San Diego, CA back in the late 1980’s through the 1990’s. Page was known as a drum builder, designer, inventor and extraordinaire. Each drum was hand crafted to your own specifications. He used a rope tension style tuning system, basically like an old Civil War rope style marching drum. Apparently he made a great set of drums as “They were introduced at the 1992 NAMM show and twice nominated for Best Acoustic Drum”. They still have the original Page Drum heads on the bass and I think all the heads are originals. Down at the bottom of the bass head it reads: Professional Drum Shop Hollywood, Calif which this company has a lot of history dating back to the 50’s. I haven’t done anything to them, there just as I found them, dusty and need cleaning. I did notice a few areas, mostly on the bass, where the plaid vinyl wrap is lifting in areas. The Mount-All bracket is made by LP and I don’t see any ID on the double tom mount or snare stand. Snare has a Peace head on top and Evans “One Side 3 Way Hazy” on the bottom. Toms have a Peace head on top with Remo Weatherking Ambassadors on bottom. Bass has customized Page heads on front and back. Bass: 16″W x 15.5″D. Snare: 3″W x 14″D. Tom: 9.5″W x 10″D. Tom: 8.5″W x 13″D. Double Tom Tom Mount. Mount-All Bracket Snare Stand.

Tags: 4-pc, custom, design, drum, hardware, page, rare, rope, tension, toms, vintage