Late 70’s Ludwig Vistalite Amber 4 piece Drum Kit. The Kick is 24″, the floor tom is 18′ and the rack toms are 14″ and 12 (not pictured). I believe this from 1979 based on the badge that someone else researched. Definitely of the era and Bonzo. It’s been in my possession for 30 years and before that it was a studio kit. It will require some TLC but once dialed in it sounds amazing. It’s missing a spar for the kick, you will want to replace the front hoop and the floor tom has been welded and yes when you get close you will notice some small scratches but you don’t notice when you get 10 feet away much less on stage. There is another smaller rack tom not pictured. Available to view at a rehearsal space.

Tags: 70's, amber, drum, late, ludwig, piece, vistalite